A partnership between Marshall County REMC & RTC Fiber Communications
Customer Support
Customer Support
Issues with Internet Service?
Before you report your trouble, try these helpful tips. Sometime trouble can be a quick fix.
If your internet is not working on your wireless or wired connection, your first step is to reboot (power on/off) all of your connected devices such as phones, computers, and your router. The router is what provides wireless connection to most devices. Reboot the router by simply unplugging for 15 seconds and plugging back in to power. If internet via WiFi connection is out after rebooting your router, the next step to troubleshooting is to bypass your router. To bypass, you will need a device (such as a laptop or desktop) that has an ethernet port. You will need to have one end of the ethernet cable plugged directly from the MCF jack to your device. If internet service is still out after rebooting router and/or bypassing your router, please contact us.
Report your Trouble!
While we don't like to have issues we do like to hear about them when they happen. If we don't know it's broke - we can't fix it.
During Normal Business Hours:
(Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
After Hours, Weekends, Holidays
After hours and weekend calls will go to voicemail. Calls marked as urgent will be handled by the On-Call Support Team. When leaving a message after hours and on weekends please leave your name, service address, the trouble you are having and a number we can reach you at shortly. Please be prepared to answer a call back to you at the number you have provided as our support team may have questions or information for you.
After Hours, Weekends, Holidays